“Quote Corner”

I thought I’d do several postings of favorite quotes and excerpts of mine….I’ll put these up sporadically but often. Hope you enjoy.

“I am a person. You are a person. Without you I am not a person, for only through you is language made possible and only through language is thought made possible, and only through thought is humanness made possible. You have made me important. Therefore, I am important and you are important. If I devalue you, I devalue myself. This is the rationale of the position I’m Ok-You’re Ok. Through this position only are we persons instead of things . Returning man to his rightful place of person-hood is the theme of redemption, or reconciliation, or enlightenment, central to all the great world religions. The requirement of this position is that we are responsible to and for one another, and this is the ultimate claim imposed on all men alike!”

-Thomas A. Harris, M.D. From his classic book on transactional analysis I’M OK-YOU’RE OK

One response to ““Quote Corner”

  1. Not too many people comment on your blog, Matt. Looks like my own blog. Looks like I finally caught up with you.

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